

PET 劍橋中級英語認證...
FCE 劍橋中高級英語認證...
CAE 劍橋高級英語認證...
CPE 劍橋最高級英語認證...
KET 劍橋初級英語認證 Key English Test 考試簡介

KET 與CEF 級數對照表
KET 考試結構
KET 第一節
KET 第二節 聽力測驗
KET 第三節 口試
KET 考試範圍
KET 考試用書


KET 與 CEF 之對照表

C2 CPE C2 優級
C1 CAE C1 高級


B1 PET B1 中級
Level 3
A1   Level 2
Level 1

#劍橋KET合格英語證書與教育部採認之「歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構」(CEF) 之 A2級 直接對照,並列載明於證書上。

KET 有3個考試科目(3 papers), 包含了4項語言能力檢測 。第一科為閱讀和寫作部分佔總分50% , 第二科為聽力測驗佔25% , 第三科為 口試佔25% 。 考試題材則包括了個人資料 、 住家與居住環境 、個人的感覺、 意見 、 經驗 、 每天的生活 、嗜好、 運動 、 休閒活動 、社交、 旅遊 、 假日 、 健康 、 購物 、服裝、 飲食 、 公共設施如郵局 , 銀行 , 警察局等 、 場所和建築物 、 語言 、 天氣 。



Reading & Writing

Part 1: Matching 配對題




Part 2: Multiple choice 選擇題
Part 3: Multiple choice & Matching 選擇及配對題
Part 4: Multiple choice 選擇題
Part 5: Multiple choice cloze 克漏字選擇題

Part 6: Word completion 克漏字填充題

Part 7: Open cloze 填充題
Part 8: Information transfer 訊息轉換
Part 9: Continuous writing 短篇寫作
Part 1: Multiple choice 選擇題



Part 2: Matching 配合題
Part 3: Multiple choice 選擇題
Part 4: Gap-fill 填充題
Part 5: Gap-fill 填充題




Part 1: Each candidate interacts with examiner 考生與考官間個人基本資料問答



Part 2: Candidates interact with each other兩位考生針對提示卡的內容相互問答

考生會在檢定後 6至8週收到成績單。 KET 的成績是3科測驗 -- 閱讀和寫作 、 聽力 、 口試 -- 的總和 。考生的強項和弱項都會載明再成績單上。成績合格 的考生將在考試後 10至12週收到證書,通過的等級會記載在證書上。 KET 有兩種通過等級: KET has two passing grades (劍橋初級英語認證2010年通過率約為78.7%):

Pass with Distinction (答對95%)

Pass with Merit (答對85%)

Pass (答對70%)

and two failing grades:

Narrow Fail (65%-69%)

Fail (65%以下)

The overall pass rate for the December 2004 examination was 78.7 % of the candidates. The minimum successful performance which a candidate typically requires in order to achieve a ‘Pass' grade corresponds to about 70% of the total marks. ‘Pass with Merit' corresponds to approximately 85% of the total marks available. A ‘Narrow Fail' grade means that the candidate is within 5% of the ‘Pass' level.

Statements of results contain a graphical display of a candidate's performance in eachpaper. These are shown against a scale of Exceptional – Good – Borderline – Weak and indicate the candidate's relative performance in each paper.

Reading/Writing 閱讀寫作〈1小時10分鐘〉

Part 1 選擇題 / 配對題

標示閱讀: 5題3選1選擇題,5題配對題

In Part 1, candidates are tested on their ability to understand the main message of a sign, notice or other very short text. These texts are of the type usually found on roads, in railway stations, airports, shops, restaurants, offices, schools, etc.

Wherever possible these texts are authentic and so may contain lexis which is unfamiliar to the candidates, but this should not prevent them from understanding the main message. This is a matching question, requiring candidates to match five sentences to the appropriate sign or notice.


Part 2 選擇題

單字定義: 8選5選擇題

In Part 2, candidates are tested on their knowledge of vocabulary. They are asked to fill the gap in each of five sentences with one of the three options provided. There is a completed example sentence at the beginning. The six sentences are all on the same topic or are linked by a simple story line.

Candidates should deal with each sentence individually but be aware that the overall context will help them find the correct answer.


Part 3 選擇題 / 配對題

日常會話: 5題3選1選擇題,5題配對題

In Part 3, candidates are tested on their ability to understand the language of the routine transactions of daily life.

Questions 1–15 are multiple-choice (3 options). Candidates are asked to complete five short conversational exchanges.

Questions 16–20 are matching exercises. Candidates are asked to complete a longer dialogue, by choosing from a list of eight options. These dialogues take place in shops, hotels, restaurants, etc., and in various work, study and social situations.


Part 4 選擇題

主題與細節: 5題3選1選擇題

In Part 4, candidates are tested on their ability to understand the main ideas and some details of longer texts (about 230 words). These texts come from authentic sources, such as newspaper and magazine articles, but are adapted to make them accessible to candidates. Texts may include vocabulary which is unfamiliar to the candidates, but this should not interfere with their ability to complete the task.

The questions in this part may be multiple-choice comprehension questions (with 3 options). Alternatively, candidates may be asked to decide whether, according to the text, each one of a set of statements is correct or incorrect, or whether there is insufficient information in the text to decide this.


Part 5 選擇題

辨認關鍵字: 8題3選1克漏字

In Part 5, candidates are tested on their knowledge of grammatical structure and usage in the context of a reading text. As with Part 4, texts are adapted from newspaper and magazine articles, encyclopedia and other authentic sources.

Words are deleted from the text and candidates are asked to complete the text by choosing the appropriate word from 3 options. Deletions mainly focus on structural elements, such as verb forms, determiners, pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions. Understanding of structural relationships at the phrase, clause, sentence or paragraph level is also required.


Part 6 克漏字填充題

Parts 6–9 focus particularly on writing. Part 6-9 屬於寫作能力測驗


In Part 6, candidates are asked to produce five items of vocabulary and to spell them correctly. The five items of vocabulary will all belong to the same lexical field, for

example jobs, food, things you can find in a house, etc. For each word they have to write, candidates are given a ‘definition' of the type you can find in a learner's dictionary, followed by the first letter of the required word and a set of dashes to represent the number of the remaining letters in the required word. There is a completed example at the beginning.


Part 7 表格填寫


In Part 7, candidates are asked to complete a gapped text.

Texts are short and simple and are of the type candidates at this level may be expected to write, for example notes and short letters. A text may take the form of a note plus a reply to that note, or may be a single letter. Deletions in the text focus on grammatical structure and vocabulary. Candidates are only asked to produce words which students at this level can be expected to actively use. Correct spelling of the missing words is essential in this part.


Part 8 訊息轉換


In Part 8, candidates complete a simple information transfer task. They are asked to use the information in one or two short texts (note, e-mail, advertisement, etc.) to complete aform, notice, diary entry or other similar type of document.

Candidates have to understand the text(s) in order to complete the task, and the focus is on both writing and reading ability. Candidates are expected to understand the vocabulary commonly associated with forms, for example surname, date of birth, etc. The required written production is at word and phrase level, not sentence level. Correct spelling and use of capital letters is essential in this part.


Part 9 – 20-25字的寫作


In Part 9, candidates are given the opportunity to show that they can communicate a written message (25–35 words) of an authentic type, for example a note or postcard to a friend.

The instructions indicate the type of message required, who it is for and what kind of information should be included.

Candidates must respond to the prompts in all three bullet points. All must be addressed in order to complete the task fully. Alternatively, the candidates may be asked to read and respond appropriately to three elements contained within a short note from a friend.

Listening 聽 力〈30分鐘〉

Part 1 選擇題


In Part 1, candidates are tested on their ability to identify simple factual information in five separate short conversational exchanges. The short conversations are either between friends or relatives, or between a member of the public and a shop assistant, booking office clerk, etc. The information focused on in these dialogues is, for example, prices, numbers, times, dates, locations, directions, shapes, sizes, weather, descriptions of people and current actions.

On the question paper, the candidates see a simple question and three multiple-choice options based on pictures or drawings. There are five questions in Part 1.


Part 2 配對題

日常會話, 5題配對題

In Part 2, candidates are tested on their ability to identify simple factual information in a longer conversation. The conversation is an informal one between two people who know each other. The topic will be one of personal interest to the speakers, for example daily life, travel, occupational activities, free time activities, etc.

Candidates show their understanding of the conversation by matching two lists of items, for example people with the food they like to eat, or days of the week with activities.


Part 3 選擇題

日常會話, 5題3選1選擇題

In Part 3, candidates are also tested on their ability to identify simple factual information. The listening text is usually an informal conversation between two people who know each other about a topic of personal interest to the speakers. It is sometimes a transactional exchange, e.g. a person making enquiries in a travel agent's.

In this part, candidates show their understanding of the conversation by answering five multiple-choice questions, each with three options.


Parts 4 and 5 填充題

日常會話,填文字或數字 共10題

In Parts 4 and 5, candidates are tested on their ability to extract specific factual information from a dialogue or monologue and write it down. The dialogue or monologue is in an informal or a neutral context, for example in shops, offices, etc. A monologue may be a recorded message. The information to be extracted is of a practical nature, for example opening times, entrance fees, etc.

Candidates are asked to complete a memo, message or notes on the question paper by extracting information from the listening text and writing it down. Information to be writtendown consists of numbers, times, dates, prices, spellings and words. In each case, candidates are required to write down one or two words or numbers. Completely accurate spelling is not required, except where a name has been spelt out in the listening text or when it is a simple high-frequency word.


Part 1


This takes 5 to 6 minutes. In this part, each candidate interacts with the interlocutor, using the language normally associated with meeting people for the first time, giving factual information of a personal kind, for example name, place of origin, occupation, family, etc. Candidates are also expected to be able to talk about their daily life, interests,likes, etc.

Candidates should be able to respond appropriately to questions asking for simple information about themselves. They should, for example, be able to give their name (including spelling it), country of origin, job or subject of study, give information about their family, home town, school, free time activities and talk simply about their likes and dislikes.


Part 2


This takes 3 to 4 minutes. In this part, the two candidates interact with each other. This involves asking and answering questions about factual information of a non-personal kind. Prompt cards are used to stimulate questions and answers which will be related to daily life, leisure activities and social life (including references to places, times, services, where to go, how to get there, what to eat, etc.).

Simple role plays in which students are required to ask and answer questions will provide useful practice. Such role plays should focus on everyday language and situations and involve questions about daily activities and familiar experiences, or feature exchanging information about such things as charges and opening times of, for example, a local sports centre.






Inventory of Grammatical Areas


regular and irregular forms


can (ability; requests; permission)

could (ability; polite requests)

would (polite requests)

will (future)

shall (suggestion; offer)

should (advice)

may (possibility)

have (got) to (obligation)

must (obligation)

mustn't (prohibition)

need (necessity)

needn't (lack of necessity)


Present simple: states, habits, systems, processes and with future meaning (and verbs not used in the continuous form)

Present continuous: present actions and future meaning

Present perfect simple: recent past with just, indefinite past with yet, already, never, ever; unfinished past with for and since

Past simple: past events

Past continuous: parallel past actions, continuous actions interrupted by the past simple tense

Future with going to

Future with will and shall: offers, promises, predictions, etc.

Verb Forms

Affirmative, interrogative, negative


Infinitives (with and without to) after verbs and adjectives

Gerunds (-ing form) after verbs and prepositions

Gerunds as subjects and objects

Passive forms: present and past simple

Short questions (Can you?) and answers (No, he doesn't)

Clause types

Main clause: Carlos is Spanish.

Co-ordinate clause: Carlos is Spanish and his wife is English.

Subordinate clause following sure, certain: I'm sure (that)

she's a doctor.

Subordinate clause following know, think, believe, hope:

I hope you're well.

Subordinate clause following say, tell: She says (that) she's his sister.

Subordinate clause following if, when, where, because:

I'll leave if you do that again.

He'll come when you call.

He'll follow where you go.

I came because you asked me.


What, What (+ noun)

Where; When

Who; Whose; Which

How; How much; How many; How often; How long; etc.


(including the interrogative forms of all tenses and modals listed)


Singular and plural (regular and irregular forms)

Countable and uncountable nouns with some and any

Abstract nouns

Compound nouns

Noun phrases

Genitive: ‘s & s'

Double genitive: a friend of theirs


Personal (subject, object, possessive)

Impersonal: it, there

Demonstrative: this, that, these, those

Quantitative: one, something, everybody, etc.

Indefinite: some, any, something, one, etc.

Relative: who, which, that


a + countable nouns

the + countable/uncountable nouns


Colour, size, shape, quality, nationality

Predicative and attributive

Cardinal and ordinal numbers

Possessive: my, your, his, her, etc.

Demonstrative: this, that, these, those

Quantitative: some, any, many, much, a few, a lot of, all, other, every, etc.

Comparative and superlative forms (regular and irregular)

Order of adjectives

Participles as adjectives


Regular and irregular forms

Manner: quickly, carefully, etc.

Frequency: often, never, twice a day, etc.

Definite time: now, last week, etc.

Indefinite time: already, just, yet, etc.

Degree: very, too, rather, etc.

Place: here, there, etc.

Direction: left, right, etc.

Sequence: first, next, etc.

Pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs

Comparative and superlative forms (regular and irregular)


Location: to, on, inside, next to, at (home), etc.

Time: at, on, in, during, etc.

Direction: to, into, out of, from, etc.

Instrument: by, with

Miscellaneous: like, about, etc.

Prepositional phrases: at the end of, in front of, etc.

Prepositions preceding nouns and adjectives: by car, for sale, on holiday, etc.


and, but, or,

when, where, because, if

Note that, in KET, students will meet forms other than those listed above on which they will not be directly tested.




Personal identification

Personal feelings, opinions and experiences

Hobbies and leisure


Travel and holidays


Health, medicine and exercise





House and home

Daily life

Entertainment and media

Social interaction

School and study

Food and drink


Places and buildings


The natural world

Work and jobs




The Vocabulary used in KET is restricted to common items

which normally occur in the everyday vocabulary of native

speakers using English today.

Candidates should know the lexis appropriate to their

personal requirements, for example nationalities, hobbies,

likes and dislikes.

Note that the use of American pronunciation, spelling and lexis is acceptable in KET.