
Megamind (超能壞蛋)
Megamind is a 2010 3D animated superhero comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and Red Hour Productions, and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film was released in the United States in Digital 3D, IMAX 3D and 2D on November 5, 2010. It features the voices of Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, David Cross with Brad Pitt and Ben Stiller.The film is directed by Tom McGrath.
(please see 在維基百科的介紹)

在Yahoo Movie的介紹

Megamind (台灣地區中譯為超能壞蛋-麥克邁;大陸地區譯為超級大壞蛋)是一部一反過去超人刻板化印象(superhero stereotype)的動畫, 很好笑,其中也有值得學習的英語:

Megamind 在電影一開始時的開場旁白, 就開始去比較Metro Man 及 Megamind 的出身及從小所受的不同的待遇 與對照, 在片頭開場白中值得學習的幾句英文:


I had a fairly standard childhood. I came from what you might call a broken home. Literally broken. I was eight days old and still living with my parents. How sad is that? Clearly it was time to move on. (Here is your Minion. He will take care of you. And here is your binkie. You are destined for….) I didn’t quite hear the part but it sounded important. Destined for what? I set out to find my destiny.

Turns out a kid from the B quadrant had the exact same idea. That was the day I met Mr. Goody-two-shoes. And our glorious rivalry was born! Could this be what I was destined for? A dream life filled with luxury? Apparently not! Even fate makes its favorite soup. No big deal. A much different fate awaited me. (A baby! How thoughtful.) (Oh yes, yes. I saw it and thought of you.)

Luckily I found a lovely little place to call home. (Can we keep it?) A place that taught me the differences between right and wrong. Mr. Goody-two-shoes on the other hand, had life handed to him on a silver platter. (Our bay can fly.) yes, yes and that was not the best thing about him. The power of flight, invulnerability, and great hair. But I had something far far greater. My amazing intellect. A knack for building objects of mayhem.

After a few years, and with some time off for good behavior I was given an opportunity to better myself through learning at a strange place called school. It was there that I once again ran into Mr. Goody-two-shoes. He had already amassed a gigantic army of soft headed groupies. He bought their affections with showmanship, and extravagant gifts of deliciousness. So I too would make this ‘popped-corn’ and win over those mindless dregs. (Lights out) That’s when I learned a very hard lesson. Good receives all the praise and adulation while evil is sent to quiet time in the corner.

So a fitting in wasn’t really an option. While they were learning the Itsy Bitsy Spider, I learned how to dehydrate animate objects and rehydrate them at will. Someday it felt like it was just me and Minion against the world. No matter how hard I tried I was always the odd man out, the last one picked, the screw-up, black sheep, and bad boy.

Was this my destiny? Wait! Maybe it was. Being bad is the one thing I’m good at. Then it hit me. If I was the bad boy then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all. I was destined to be a super villain. And we were destined to be rivals. The die had been cast.

And so began an enduring epic, life long career. And I love it. Our battles quickly got more elaborate. He would win some, I would almost win others. He took the name, Metro Man. Defender of Matrosity( metro city). I decided to pick up something a little more humble. Megamind. Incredibly handsome criminal genius, and master of all villainy.

Megamind 的海報 (摘自維基百科)
(from You Tube)
(from You Tube)
(from You Tube)

1. our glorious rivalry 光榮競爭

2. Fate make its favorite soup 命運自有安排

3. invulnerability 刀槍不入

4. a knack for building objects of mayhem 製造混亂物品的能耐
...knack: skill or ability;
...mayhem: chaos 混亂

5. He has already amassed a gigantic army of soft headed groupies.
....groupie 追星族/ fan 粉絲
....gigantic:extremely large

6. He bought their affections with showmanship, and extravagant gifts of
....deliciousness. 他用愛現及超好吃東西來吸睛

7. to win over those mindless dregs.
.. .to win over羸得(人心)
... dregs: 人渣

8. lights out 關燈

9. Good receives all the praise,adulation while evil is sent to quiet time in the
... corner., 當壞人被送到角落思過時 好人正受到歡呼崇拜
... adulation: great admiration 崇拜

10. While they were learning the Itsy Bitsy Spider I learned how to dehydrate
.....animate objects and rehydrate them at will.
.... 當他在唱小小蜘蛛時, 我正在學如何隨意將動物脫水及復原.
....dehydrate 脫水
....the itsy bitsy spider 小小蜘蛛歷險記 (著名兒歌, 請參考補充1)
....itsy-bitsy: 超小的, tiny

11. I was destined to be a super villain. And we were destined to be rivals.
... The die had been cast
.....我註定為超級壞蛋. 我們註定成為敵手. 已成定局.
...be destined to 命中註定
...villain : bad person
...the die is cast : 根深蒂固再也無法改變

12 enduring epic 持久的史詩

13. elaborte 精心製作

14. metro 大都會 (or 地鐵)



1. Put your hands in the air. 把手舉起來(歡呼)

2. You always know what to say. 你總是知道說什麼(你總是知道應對進退)

3. you are so predictable. 你太好猜了(沒什麼好神秘的)

4. observatory 天文台

5. Which site are you on? 你站在那一邊(你支持那一邊)

6. it is paid off. 值得

7. Well, let's not get our hopes up just yet.
... 不要高興的太早/別太早下定論/ 不要太早燃起希望

8. Do you think this day would ever come? Never in a million.
...你有想過這天的到來嗎? 從沒想過

9. We have it all but we have nothing. It is just too easy now.
....I am sorry, you've lost me.
....I feel so Mel-on-cholly?
...Mel-on-cholly: melancholy/sadness

10. to lift your spirits 打起精神

11. Wrap that up and give it to a child on Christmas cause we're done 收工打包回家了

12. Without you evil is running rampant through the street.
.... 沒有你, 惡徒就在街上胡作非為

13. replica 複製品

14. renovation 更新,修理

15. cape 披風 (海岬)

16. emanate 流露出; 傳出 His face emanated sadness.

17. I just want to thank you for inspiring me the other day.

18. I am already hot on his trail. I just found his secret hideout.
....我已了解他的行蹤, 我發現他的秘密躲藏處

19. paralyze 使癱瘓

20. decipher 破解

21. She doesn't know what she's saying. She's been through a traumatic experience.
...traumatic: If an experience is traumatic, it causes you severe emotional shock and ....................upset. 創傷後壓力癥侯群

22. I have to run a quick errand. 做件小差事
...errand: a short journey either to take a message or to deliver or collect something
...errand boy: 送貨僮/ 快遞員/ 幫人跑腿

23. Are you wearing some perfume. No, it is just my natural musk.
...musk: a substance with a strong sweet smell

24. It boggled my mind. 我想不透

25. You don't judge a book by it's cover or a person from the outside. You judge them
.... based on their actions. 不要以貌取人

26. It is just a technical glitch. 它只是技術上的小問題

27. You squander your gifts and powers for you own personal gain.
... 你浪費你的天資能力只為營私
...squander: waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage/
....................spend money or supplies in a wasteful way

(from You Tube)
(from You Tube)

(主題曲from You Tube)


































課後補充: Itsy Bitsy Spider 小小蜘蛛歷險記

*這是美國小學常唱的兒歌, 家戶皆曉, 也可以用來教學英語的小朋友
以下是英文歌詞及中文翻譯, 右邊是Youtube上的英文老師教唱,很好聽,而且可以一邊唱歌一邊比手勢:

The itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and
The itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
小蜘蛛又一次爬排水管 (繼續它的冒險過程)