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最高級英語認證 CPE

2007年 台中縣光榮國中二年級 魏佩妤 取得CPE 為亞洲第一位國中生取得劍橋最高級英語認證, 也是歷年來年紀最輕者

英語教師認證 TKT

2006年 余嘉萍/劉宛昀/黃靜宣三位老師為台灣地區首次通過TKT,並獲劍橋大學英文考試院代表Martin Nuttall 頒發通過證書殊榮

小小院士幼兒英檢 PEA

新竹台元科技托兒所 / 台北 加楓蒙特梭利幼兒園 / 新竹伊頓幼兒園 小朋友們通過ILTEA小小院士幼兒英語檢定(2004年)


中級英語認證 PET

2003年 國小同學取得PET

英語高級認證 CAE
中級英語認證 PET



2009年喬登幼兒學校 通過 劍橋小院士兒童英語認證



2005年 7歲姜冠宏通過 兒童英檢
最高級英語認證 CPE

師大附中馬煥恩於2005年成為東亞地區首位通過 劍橋最高級英語認證CPE, 由師大附中校長及本中心董事長親自頒發證書

小院士 2009


兒童英檢 2007

2003年 師大附中劉光瑩同學為台灣地區第一位取得劍橋高級英語認證CAE, 並以該證書及優秀成績申請進入國立臺灣大學外文系,劍橋高級英語認證證書足以申請世界任何一所大學研究所







2001年 大安國中徐立衡(左)取得PET證書,並申請就讀成功高中 / 弘道國中龔士婷(中)及大安國中董怡君(右)取得KET證書,並進入景美女高



I first learned English at the age of five during the two years when I stayed in the US, which means a lot to my future learning. It gave me a firm base of my English. After coming back to Taiwan, I didn’t stop learning English. My mother sent me to one English cram school to continue with my English lessons.

When I was 15, I had a chance to go to Indonesia and then Costa Rica. I studied in international schools, where the courses were all given in English. The teachers were kind and friendly. What with their help and what with my own efforts, my English was improving rapidly. Those years strengthen my English ability, whether in listening, speaking, reading, or writing.

Last year, my mother heard that there was an English exam of Cambridge University. She thought I should give it a try. From then on, I read English articles, listened to English programs, and wrote English passages apart from normal school work. I put a lot of energy into it. I knew there might be chances that I failed the exam; however, I thought, I could still gain a lot from preparing for the exam. It was really a good push to my English.

You may think I am lucky to have been to three countries and learned English well. However, had I just relied on the luck I have and stop working hard, I wouldn’t have had the achievement I have today. There is no royal road to learning. I firmly believe in “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

2001年金華國中二年級黃紹銘小朋友, 13歲的他已通過了PET認證(相當於托福500分之實力)


When learning that I've past with merit the examination, I was very impressed and touched. Maybe it looks like very simple to get the certification, on the other hand, who can realize the difficulty of the achievement that I had made. However, all I believe is “NO pain, no gain.

Nine years ago, I was an elementary school student. While I was walking on the street with my mom, I was surprised that there were English on many sign boards, but I couldn't even recognize one single letter. So I asked my mom for going to an English class. And then I met my English teacher. She led me with an active attitude toward learning English, she even told me no matter what language I learn in the future. I should still keep the attitude. She's the best teacher I've ever seen. I really appreciate her.

Now English has become an international language, if you want to communicate with people all over the world. So attending the Cambridge examination can let me know if I'm good enough in English. After that I'll go higher level to challenge myself.

Besides, with the certification I could have a better opportunity to enter a good college and apply for a good job in the future, couldn't it?

2003年 中山女高二年級羊柏蓉同學取得劍橋中高級英語認證FCE證書.由黃董事長親自頒證表揚


I enjoy learning English and I assume that might be the key point giving me the motivation to go on.

I took FCE out of testing myself at the beginning; I wondered how much degree I could reach, so I took it as a challenge. I did a lot of practice before meeting the challenge; even so, nerve has never gone away. I must give my appreciation to my teacher, Rorror, who supports me and encourages me all the time. She confided in me, kept telling me “Don’t worry, girl, be confident of yourself!” So I built my self-confidence day by day from her words.

Now, I’m glad I’ve lived up to her expectation, and the effort I made has paid off, too. Knowledge is infinite. I’ll keep working hard and be bound for next goal.







  • 2001年 建國中學楊宗翰同學(左)於國三時取得PET證書
  • 景美女高陳琦同學(中)於國三時取得PET證書
  • 中山女高連儀同學(右)於國二時取得KET證書,國三時取得PET, 高二時取得FCE證書

From: Yi Lien 連儀 The Candidate who passed FCE in 2003

My Incurable Enthusiasm for English

Why do we have to study English? Because it’s useful, important, or international? I study English only because I love it, and always enjoy the fulfillment it brings me. When it comes to English, most people would regard it as a daunting school subject or a language which is essential to learn. For me, I regard it as art. In my concept, English is beautiful and graceful; it just makes me pleasant and joyful all the time.

I believe there are many other people who speak more fluent English than I do, but I’m convinced that my passion for English is definitely stronger than anyone else’s. Perhaps it sounds somewhat ridiculous, but my unreasoning infatuation with English actually inspires me to work harder and harder, and encourages me to stick to it as I feel frustrated and dispirited or lose my confidence.

Upon hearing the news I had passed the FCE exam I was SO delighted that my hands were shaking badly, since I had thought I would fail the exam and had felt quite worried about it for a few months. Beyond the surprise I was also appreciative of my English teacher, without whom I could never attain the success; as well as myself, have made so many efforts and preparation.


